A theatric masterpiece, an American immigrant family story interwoven into historical backdrop. Three men with a piano, beautiful scripts, marvelous acting, unbelievably simplistic yet smart stage design. The brothers, the fathers, and the sons. The rise and the fall, the drive and the demise. One of the best 3.5 hours that I have spent this year.
为了这部剧开了HBO大概是第一部跳着看凯特布兰切特表演的剧70年代的女权运动不是失败了而是让人们意识到平权还有很长的路要走我们现在能在这里坐享其成很多“本不属于女性的权利”吐槽大会都是得益于从上世纪60年代在美国开始的女权运动Feminism is still a long way to go, a revolution to win.